Monday, January 7, 2008


Everyone was talking about it …. the two part Oprah show entitled “Inside the Lives of Hoarders” which aired November 15th and 16th. Kudos to Oprah for shedding light on this misunderstood topic as it may be more common than you think.
This was a fascinating show depicting the struggles of one woman whose hoarding affected her entire family. If you saw the show, we welcome your comments.
Our experience tells us one thing – you cannot help a hoarder until they are ready to help themselves. The worst thing to do is to step into their home uninvited and think you are doing them a great service by clearing their clutter and organizing their space. That’s the worse thing you can do! They have to be mentally ready to part with their “stuff”. A hoarder normally has very deep-seeded reasons associated with this behavior and should seek professional help. The National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization (NSGCD) has created a Clutter-Hoarding Scale as an assessment measurement tool. Visit them at

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